Types of projects a 5-tonne mid-sized excavator can be used for

Types of projects a 5-tonne mid-sized excavator can be used for

Excavators do come in a variety of sizes and picking the right size is very important to complete the job safely and within budget. The best way to go at it is by picturing your job site, identify hazards, and know your requirements. So, in today’s blog, we’ll be exploring the projects in which a midi-sized excavator is a good pick.

Unlike mini-excavators, midi or medium-sized excavators help a lot in completing larger projects at a lower cost. They are powerful enough to do heavy commercial jobs but still derive benefits of easy maneuverability due to their relatively small size. They can work efficiently in small spaces where mini-excavators can’t provide enough power. As the construction sites are getting smarter and smaller, the trends are changing and the popularity of midi-excavator has grown considerably.

Here’re some of the projects a 5-tonne excavator hire can be used for :

Bridge and Road Construction

One of the biggest problems with a standard excavator and its traditional tail swing is that you can’t use it for repairing a road lane unless you stop entire traffic. So, for such instances, you can use a midi-excavator without any issue. You can easily adjust it inside the width of one lane and due to reduced or zero-tail swing configuration, you can undertake bridge and road construction.

Projects in Urban Areas

If you’re a contractor who undertakes infrastructure projects in urban areas, you already know how concerning is transportability of equipment, especially for excavators. In such cases, a midi-excavator can offer greater lift capacities and

Digging trenches and foundation

A lot of contractors find difficulty while digging for trenches and foundations for a building project. Because of narrow spaces, you can’t take a standard excavator there but still, you need the power to go deep and lay materials in the trenches. That’s where a mid size excavator rental can turn the tables in your favor.

Grading and Landscaping

Although a mini-excavator can handle small-scale landscape jobs in the backyard, for large-scale projects you have to rely on the midi-sized excavator. It is ideal because it has got power but still has a reduced footprint. It offers great help while clearing land or excavating for a decorative water feature even in confined spaces. By attaching grading buckets and blades with the excavator, you can create the desired landscape effect with much hassle.


As the construction sector is getting a bit uncertain, companies are expanding their business, and forestry is one of a kind where you can try your luck. By using the same midi-sized excavator that you use for construction projects can also help you in your forestry projects. It can undertake works as harvesters, processors, stump puller, or log loader. All these benefits of flexibility and productivity come with powerful hydraulic engines.

Summing it all up

So, if you’re looking for productivity and want to take your business to the next level, a mid-sized excavator has a lot to offer. The greater big depth and enhanced lifting capacity can have a positive impact on the overall progress of your project.

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