How to Get Your Lawn Ready for Spring

How to Get Your Lawn Ready for Spring
If you have spent the winter months tilling, weeding, and raking leaves, you know that spring cleaning is an important part of getting ready for summer. But what about your lawn? What can you do to make it a beautiful place this spring? Here are some tips.
1. Clean Up
The first thing you should do is clean up any debris from the winter. This can include broken branches, leaves, twigs, and any grass clippings. Make sure to rake off all of the snow and sweep up any loose debris. Raking the leaves and grass off the lawn and around the fencing will leave your yard looking cleaner and more inviting. This will also give you the opportunity to check the fencing for any damage caused by the winter months, just like we did. We found that our fence was wind damaged so gave the local fence repair company in Leeds a call and they came out and sorted it for us.
2. Water it
The second step is to water your lawn. Many people don’t water their lawns until after the soil has dried out completely in the spring. However, this is not necessary. You can water your lawn at least once a week during the spring months if you choose to do so. The best time to water your lawn is in the morning or evening when there will be less chance of melting snow on top of it and causing damage to your grasses. A good rule of thumb is that if you have a hard time getting a few inches of rain on your grass in one day, it needs more water than usual.
3. Fertilize The Beds
Apply granular fertilizer to the beds and avoid any fertilizer that has been sprayed on the lawn. If you apply fertilizer, use a granular product such as 10-10-10 or one that is more concentrated. This will give you a higher level of nutrients in your soil and allow the grassroots to grow easier.
4. Pests
Experts like Pest Exterminators Cambridge warn homeowners to be on the lookout for pests such as aphids, whiteflies, slugs and snails, and leafcutter bees. These are all common pests that can be found on your lawn. If you find them, you should immediately use a pesticide to get rid of them. Rodents such as squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits can cause damage to your lawn because they can eat the grassroots. You should make sure to have a fence around your lawn so that they do not come in. Novacide aerosol can kill these pests and is safe for children and pets.
5. Mulch
Mulching is an easy way to get your lawn ready for spring. Mulch is essentially shredded leaves or wood chips placed around the base of your grasses to keep the soil from drying out too quickly. It also helps suppress weeds and prevents soil erosion due to hard rains. You can purchase mulches at most home improvement stores or make your own by simply shredding leaves or shredded newspaper in a garden tiller until it is down to fine pieces of material. Ensure not to leave mulch around plants that are attractive to pests such as slugs and snails due, as this may cause damage.
Green lawns are aesthetically pleasing to look at and also help to improve the environment. However, it is not easy to keep your lawn green. You can do many things to get your lawn ready for spring. If you are not sure what you need to do, get a lawn care professional to come out and give you professional assistance.